Ashley Allen Family Portrait

Because every mother is a superwoman, we've been getting to know Mums from all over New Zealand and Australia and the one thing we've learned is that no two journeys through motherhood are the same! Here is a serie of SuperMums who shared their story with us.

Meet Ashley Allen, Mum & Entrepreneur to 4 gorgeous girls, Saylee (9yo), Cleo (5yo), Piper-Rose (4yo), Meadow (10m)

About you 
Hi, my name is Ashley Allen, I own Ashley Allen (an eyelash boutique) alongside my mother Shirlee Phillips.
My hubby Tané has the hardest job he is a full time stay-at- home parent. Tané and I, have been married 14 years and together we have 4 beautiful daughters. Saylee 9, Cleo 5, Piper-Rose 4 and Meadow 10 Months old. 
Tané and I love being parents and have always wanted a large family. We planned every single pregnancy. Crazy we know! But we absolutely love it.
Becoming parents  has been such a blessing. Our children are our joy. But this parenting gig is no joke. As beautiful as it is, it has also been one of the most challenging things we have had to navigate through.  

How is it to be a mum of 4 and a successful entrepreneur?
Being a mother to four girls while achieving my dreams has been the absolute best, they are my greatest teachers, everything I do is for them. They drive and motivate me every single day. I have learnt patience on another level lol...but in all honesty I would say my journey is no different to what any working mother or father experiences.
Building a business while raising my girls has had its moments for sure  but we are all put under immense pressure in our job roles. Then have to come home and deal with the kids, the cleaning, the cooking etc. It doesn’t stop. 
Praise to the single parents, they’re the ones with the most on their plate!
It can be exhausting at times, there’s a lot going on, but we all go through it. 
We all have to work to provide an income for our families. As the years have passed by and my family continuing to grow. I’ve learnt how to cope with the pressure and stress a lot better. Instead of turning to alcohol for stress relief. I now have the perfect work and life balance. Being organised is the key to it all, otherwise it’s just madness. 
I suppose the only extra added stress when owning a business is that you never really switch off and I tend to bring my work home with me, that’s something I’m trying really hard to work on, especially when my children are present.

Would you say that parenthood gets easier with time / with baby #4?
It absolutely does, the busyness just goes up a few notches. Going back to when I had one child (Saylee) makes me laugh now. 
Being a first time parent you are so on edge about every little thing. It’s all so new. 
I remember not being able to sleep properly because I kept checking if my baby was breathing. I didn’t want to take my new baby anywhere and I didn’t want anyone touching her. The more children I’ve had, the more relaxed I’ve become.
My mum always used to say to me that when you have your second baby you really get to enjoy them because you know what your doing! And its so true. You’re so experienced and you know what you’re doing. 
One struggle I’ve faced when introducing each baby to the family is learning how to divide my time between the girls. I get mum guilt every single time. Its just that initial first phase. I get there eventually but it’s always a juggle. 

Is healthy food important for you / your children?
Living a heathy lifestyle is very important in our household.
Our kids love their veggies. We do our best to give our children a well balanced diet without being too over board.

Why do you choose only organic?
We have used only organics with every single one of our girls! 
We love the variety of the range. There are so many delicious healthy options! 
Also the convenience...nothing tops it! 

What’s your #1 feeding tip ? 
Try to add as much healthy variety as you can from the get-go.
I’ve found by doing this earlier on, my children are not fussy eaters! 

What’s your favourite thing about being a mum?
The pure love and Joy that it brings.
My children have given me so much more meaning and purpose to life.
No one pushes or challenges me the way they do. They force me to grow and be a better me every single day. 

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