
Because every mother is a superwoman, we've been getting to know Mums from all over New Zealand and Australia and the one thing we've learned is that no two journeys through motherhood are the same! Here is a series of SuperMums who shared their story with us.

Meet Clara, french working mum of Bob & Marcel, living in Auckland, NZ


About you

I’m Clara, mum of 2 boys, Bob (2 and a half) & Marcel (10 months) amongst many other things!
We moved from France to New Zealand 6 years ago, with one bag and a hundred dreams.
Six years later we’re now a family of 4 and having the chance to see our boys grow with 2 different cultures, learn 2 languages and get 2 nationalities is our biggest pride!
These 6 years have been recorded on a daily basis in my #ciaknotebooks and I can’t go anywhere without them! I’ve started to write when I left France, and I’ve been writing every single say since then.
Originally travel diaries, these are now my life records. I couldn't have imagined that my wedding plans, our entrepreneur adventures in the other side of the world, my first pregnancy, then the second would be in there! These notebooks have now become Family books, full of pictures, friends, every baby's first time and every single thought about being a mum, a working mum, a wife, a woman and much more!
It’s not happy and bright every day, how could it be?! It’s life! The unconditional love from being a mum, the craziness from being a friend, the excitement from being a lover, but also the frustration from being a working mum, the home-sickness from being an expat and any other little annoyances that life if made of! 

#Scrapbooking is my gateway and I couldn’t live without it anymore. Without my kids either of course ;-)

Why did you move to New Zealand?

It was actually not my choice! My boyfriend at the time and husband now brought me to the other side of the world, and I followed!
Next time I’ll choose!

Is New Zealand a good country to raise your children?

It’s a great country! I couldn’t ask for a better country to raise kids and grow a family.
I love the diversity that New Zealand offers, how kids are taught to embrace each other’s differences, how they learn other communities’ traditions and beliefs and how they’re encouraged to try and taste everything. 
In today’s world, tolerance and acceptance are priceless and it starts from Daycare.

Is organic important to you?

I’m really into health & wellness and eating organic food is of course important to me. I try to use organic food as much as I can and even feel guilty when I don’t. When it comes to the kids, it’s even more important as they are very young and I really want them to avoid any chemicals to go into their little bodies.

Why do you choose Only Organic?

I’m a full time working mum and even though the society encourages us to work every day and to cook every night, I have to admit that laziness is often taking over…
So you can imagine the excitement when I discovered Only Organic, savoury and sweet meals and treats for my precious little ones! My kids just love these!
It’s easy for me, really handy, tasty and healthy for them, what else can you ask for?!

What's the #1 feeding tip you'd give a mum to be?

Don’t be afraid to give your kids new flavours to try. Whether it’s liquid or solid, education is also about developing their taste buds and to me it’s really important that they discover new food every now and then. It develops their curiosity, their taste of adventure, and one day they’ll eat snails and blue cheese without a frown!

What's your favourite thing about motherhood?

I love seeing my babies grow every day. But I need to say, having kids is also the best excuse if you want to decline a night or a diner you don’t want to go to… ☺

